Healthy behaviours are for everyone - three little ways to improve your well-being
Healthy behaviours are for everyone. You don’t need to look a certain way. You don’t need to be a certain size. And you don’t need to follow a certain exercise regime. There seems to be a never-ending amount of 'advice' floating around from nutrition to fitness to, well, just about everything (yes, I am seeing the irony in this with this post). But too often there are blanket statements about the food we eat and the movement we do, even down to the basic ways we live our lives. That isn’t helpful. Or healthful. Claiming that the “only way” to be healthy is to eat organic, free-range, “real” food with no “nasties”, and to move your body in only a certain way for a minimum amount of time, is kind of blinkered and short-sighted. It presents a closed view that sees only those who are privileged enough to have access to and the ability to choose those things. It over-simplifies health and places the blame on those who may struggle while ignoring the very real social,...